What can you do with Speedware Autobahn?

Autobahn lets your Speedware, COBOL or C programs run dynamically over the World Wide Web. Here are a few possibilities...

Looking Forward

Corporations, governments and institutions all over the world use the Internet to exchange information. Soon they'll want more services, and the means to do real business. Autobahn makes it possible.

Think about...

Speedware Autobahn helps you build these dynamic WWW systems today. It's the first 4GL that lets you do this without learning C language or network programming.

Benefits start at home

Big organizations need good internal information flow. With Speedware Autobahn you can create the internal multimedia client/server applications your company needs without getting bogged down in a huge programming effort.

Company-wide client/server applications can be tedious and painful to implement. Client software must be installed on each user's computer, and each one needs something different. With Speedware Autobahn, you just install the Web Browser on each PC to make it a WWW client.

Speedware Autobahn is completely portable. Without any client-side setup, users on MS Windows, Macintosh, Motif or OS/2 can get information as and when required. Existing Speedware applications can be quickly modified for Autobahn.

Who can use Speedware Autobahn?

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